Friday 22 September 2017

The other side of the run P2

Day 14

As promised Paula came and picked me up, I'd managed to make my little one some pancakes for breakfast before I left.  He was very grateful as everyone else was still sound asleep.  Paula was lovely, the conversation flowed so easily, she loves to write like me, she writes short stories both children's and adult books.  She wasn't scary at all. 😊.

I was overwhelmed by the well wishes and the people coming up to me just to let me know they were sorry about what happened, asking me if I'm ok and letting me know they are following my blog and loving it.  Makes me feel so good.  Especially when you want to get well both physically and mentally but being so housebound and restricted can make that healing process seem like forever.

I arrived at Lalor Parkrun greeted by lots of Lalor Running Club members all very concerned and genuinely sorry to have heard about my cycling accident.  I had wanted to volunteer to be tail walker but the general consensus was that was a little premature given I won't see a rock under foot, I was then put on timekeeper, a job that absolutely terrifies me but they were a little worried about me needing to move my head too much in the brace so I was finally put on bar scanning.  Despite being told in detail by the run director exactly what my duties involved within 2 minutes I had completing forgotten which one I was meant to scan first and the panick started to set in!

That's when I met Amelia, a beautiful little 7 year old, well above her years, who offered to assist me with my bar scanning duties and explained that we could work pretty well together as a team.  I embraced her offer, and was watching her intently as she started scanning the first group of runners.  Thankfully I picked it up pretty quickly.  She then proceeded to guide me through the map of the course to ensure I never got lost again, people still talk about my fist attempt at Parkrun where I managed to get lost and run the only ever 7.3km course.  I'm still awaiting my world record certificate.  No-one will ever break it it's something I'll hold forever!  Amelia also went on to explain what the defiblerator was for should we need it and all I could think of was thank Christ this kids here cause if she wasn't things could turn chaotic pretty quickly.

I had some fun and certainly did my fair share of interacting so it was good to get out of my comfort zone.  Far too long I've allowed the CPTSD control what I do (which isn't much) but thanks to meeting someone very special 2 1/2 years ago (a lot more about that relationship to come) I'm finally accepting myself (all of me, both good and bad) and can't wait to show the world what I have to offer.

Thanks to Paula for getting me to & from Parkrun and too Amelia for making my first Parkrun Volunteer duties so special.  Your a special kid just like your mums a special lady. Xo

Love from
Your mad as a hatter blogger
Donna Xo

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